Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned veteran, the DPAC team makes it as easy for you to participate as possible. We schedule all of your meetings, provide background information and talking points, and give you all the tools you’ll need. We rely on our advocates to make the Hill Day a success, so before you register, we just want to be sure you know what you are signing up for!
Briefings for advocates are scheduled for the week of June 13, and the Hill visits will occur the week of June 20. The event will be completely virtual, so you can join from wherever you are, and there is no cost to participate. By signing up to participate, you will be committing to a few things.
- First, attend the Hill Day briefing webinar for all attendees, scheduled for June 14 at 1:30pm Eastern. We ask you to join live if at all possible so you can ask any questions you may have. The briefing will be an hour and a half long at most.
- Second, join fellow advocates for a 30-minute state-level briefing on June 15 or 16. This is a chance to meet the other participants from your state and coordinate ahead of your Hill meetings. The date and time for each state’s briefing can be found here.
- Third, take part in the Hill meetings scheduled for you. You’ll have up to three “must do” meetings: one with the office of your Representative in the House, and one with the offices of each of your two Senators. Please be aware that we schedule these meetings specifically for you! If possible, please reserve the whole day to accommodate any schedule changes. Each state’s assigned meeting date is located below.
Please find below the schedule for which day a state’s meetings will occur.